Nabhi Chakra – the centre of peace, satisfaction and spiritual evolution
The Nabhi Chakra (3) is associated with the spiritual qualities of righteousness, evolution and seeking. This centre also relates to our financial well-being and the …
The Nabhi Chakra (3) is associated with the spiritual qualities of righteousness, evolution and seeking. This centre also relates to our financial well-being and the …
Self-realisation is a frequently used – and often misused – word. In common parlance it can mean discovering the power to get on top of …
These are some of the benefits of practicing Sahaja Yoga, after self-realisation has been experienced: A state called thoughtless awareness occurs in which one is …
And God created the Cosmos. “Before a cosmic cycle (the Creation) starts, the ultimate reality is undifferentiated as Parabrahma; it is infinity, abstract, without manifestation. …
The Vishuddhi chakra, situated at the throat level, governs communication. If the Vishuddhi on the right side becomes overactive then the person becomes loud, aggressive, …
The Mooladhara chakra is situated at the base of the spine within the pelvic plexus. Moola means ‘root’ and adhara means ‘the support.’ It is …