Sahaja Yoga Public Program, Vienna, Austria, 18 June 1990
I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the outset we should know that truth is what it is and we cannot change it, …
I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the outset we should know that truth is what it is and we cannot change it, …
The Nabhi Chakra (3) is associated with the spiritual qualities of righteousness, evolution and seeking. This centre also relates to our financial well-being and the …
These are some of the benefits of practicing Sahaja Yoga, after self-realisation has been experienced: A state called thoughtless awareness occurs in which one is …
The Vishuddhi chakra, situated at the throat level, governs communication. If the Vishuddhi on the right side becomes overactive then the person becomes loud, aggressive, …
And God created the Cosmos. “Before a cosmic cycle (the Creation) starts, the ultimate reality is undifferentiated as Parabrahma; it is infinity, abstract, without manifestation. …
The Mooladhara chakra is situated at the base of the spine within the pelvic plexus. Moola means ‘root’ and adhara means ‘the support.’ It is …