Swadisthana Chakra – centre of creativity and aesthetics
The swadisthana chakra rotates around the Void area, shown above as a green circle. It has two aspects, corresponding to the left and right channels. …
The swadisthana chakra rotates around the Void area, shown above as a green circle. It has two aspects, corresponding to the left and right channels. …
A hypothesis in Sahaja Yoga is that we have within us a subtle system with energy centres that can be felt after self-realisation. When we …
On the 5th of May 1970 Shri Mataji opened the Sahasrara chakra of the Virata and the unique opportunity of Self-realisation, second birth, became possible …
In each human being, the energy flows in one of three different channels. For simplicity we refer to them as the left, right and centre. …
I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the outset we should know that truth is what it is and we cannot change it, …
Self-realisation is a frequently used – and often misused – word. In common parlance it can mean discovering the power to get on top of …