These are some of the benefits of practicing Sahaja Yoga, after self-realisation has been experienced:
- A state called thoughtless awareness occurs in which one is very alert, but does not need to think, and which is very peaceful.
- One experiences states of great joy, and even bliss.
- As a result Sahaja Yoga is effective in treating stress-related problems
- It is possible to feel on one’s finger tips the state of one’s energy centres, or chakras. This is called vibratory awareness. As a result one does not need to operate on a mental level trying to work out what is wrong with oneself, but one can actually feel on the hands what one’s inner state is and then correct any imbalances through very simple techniques.
- In this way one becomes one’s own master, and is not reliant on others to provide spiritual guidance.
- Because the chakras control all our problems, whether spiritual, physical, emotional or mental, by cleansing the chakras through Sahaja Yoga we are able to rid ourselves of problems in these different areas.
- One becomes more balanced and more centred, avoiding the extremes of ego and lack of self-esteem.
- Meditation research has shown the benefit of practicing Sahaja Yoga for those with diseases such as epilepsy, asthma, hot flushes and ADHD.