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Vishuddhi chakra
Vishuddhi chakra

Vishuddhi chakra

Sahaja Yoga Vishuddhi chakra

The Vishuddhi chakra, situated at the throat level, governs communication. If the Vishuddhi on the right side becomes overactive then the person becomes loud, aggressive, disrespectful towards others. The Vishuddhi on the left side becomes affected when one feels guilty. When this happens one can become shy, timid, sly or sarcastic. If one indulges into feels of guilt too much this can result in angina, or even cervical cancer. The centre Vishuddhi when affected causes a person to have difficulties communicating with others.

Qualities of the Vishuddhi chakra are: diplomacy, sweetness of speech, collectivity, collective consciousness (by being connected to the same source we become aware of each other as well as the source), witness power (the ability to be detached in any situation and not to get caught up in it), and on the left side, the brother-sister relationship as well as self-confidence.

Feeling guilty is usually a form of escapism, and stops us from facing ourselves, and in particular, our ego. Through introspection we can find out if we are indulging into feelings of guilt in this way and so stop ourselves from falling into this trap. In the West we are also conditioned to think of ourselves as “sinners” and this contributes to our sense of guilt. The affirmation “Mother, I am not guilty” helps to neutralise these negative conditionings which stop the kundalini from rising.

The Hamsa chakra, situated between the eyebrows, is also part of the Vishuddhi and has the quality of discrimination, enabling us to determine which action is appropriate at any point. It also governs our sense of intuition, and through meditation our sense of intuition can become strongly developed.

The Vishuddhi chakra governs the throat, teeth, face and mouth. It also has another very important aspect in Sahaja yoga, in that it enables our sense of vibrations. Sometimes people don’t feel vibrations at the beginning, just after getting their Self-realisation, because this centre is out of balance, but as their vibrations improve they start to feel them.

The witness state is very important in that it allows us to detach ourselves from our ego and superego and from the situation that we are in. When our ego or superego reacts in a situation we observe these rather than identifying with them.

Did you see the sky, how beautiful it was? How orange, blue, all kinds of colours were there. The colour it takes, automatically, and is enjoying it. It is not bothered that it should remain forever, that this will go away when there is darkness. Just watching! The sky is just watching. Whatever comes its way, it takes it. So, it’s so beautiful and it’s so joy-giving.

So the another thing is that, when you are in that state of spirituality, then you are joy-giving, you are peace giving, you are compassionate and you love each other. All these problems of the ego just disappear. Ego is your greatest enemy I think, and it is the one that really hinders all the wealth and beauty of your life. So if you could just see this ego, how it works, just you’ll be enjoying it. It’s a drama it plays, alright? Let’s have it! You can see the drama and then suddenly you will be amazed that you are not in it, you are watching it. When you are detached from your ego you can see how it tries to entice you.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga, 25.12.2000

One comment

  1. michal

    Please tell me how to clear Vishuddhi chakra , for getting much more vibrations.

    Editor: On the physical level you can gargle with salt, and massage the throat and shoulders with a bit of oil. We should also brush our teeth regularly. On the subtle level, you can say the affirmation on the left side, addressing the Mother kundalini within you: “Mother, I am not guilty.” Say this 16 times. Feeling guilty is especially common in the West and prevents the kundalini from flowing through this centre. That will help the Vishuddi chakra on the left side. For the right side you can say: “Mother, you are the sweet countenance of my words and deeds.” It is very important to avoid sarcasm and foul speech for the right Vishuddhi centre. For the centre Vishuddhi you can say “Mother, please make me the detached witness and the part and parcel of the whole.” Use a candle for the left Vishuddhi to clear this centre by moving it in a clock-wise circle around this centre (between the neck and shoulders) Note that it appears clockwise if someone looks at you from the fornt, and anti-clockwise if someone looks at you from the back.

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