Introductory lecture Antonov Corp. Palace of Culture, Kiev, Ukraine, 1989-1022
I bow to all the seekers of Truth. At the very outset we have to know that Truth is what it is. We cannot organize it, we cannot order it. And at the humane level we cannot achieve it. We have become from amoeba to this stage of the humane beings. But still we have not reached our absolute Truth. Some people believe this is good, some people believe that is good. So under we can decide something or on emotional basis or on rational basis. And both are limited. Anything can be justified with rationality. Also emotionally we can justify; might be our emotional [inaudible]. So everyone can think differently according to their own projections. So you have to go to a stage, a state where you can all say the same to this, is the Truth. The whole humanity has to come to that state where they know this is Absolute.
So we have to understand that our evolution is not yet complete. There is one more break-through in it. This break-through is Self-Realization. Is to know your Self. To know your Self is not possible if you work it out mentally, physically, or emotionally. After all, when we became from amoeba to this stage we did not do anything. It is through the living process of evolution we have spontaneously become human beings. So, if anything has to happen it has to happen spontaneously. Like a seed, if you put it in the Mother Earth it sprouts by itself. So the seed has got a built-in quality and the Mother Earth also has contributive quality to sprout it. In the same way within us is placed the power of pure desire, which gives you that break-through. It is the power of pure desire.
Whatever desires we have we do not get satisfied once they are fulfilled. We want to have food, when we get the food we want to have clothes, when we have the clothes we want to have a house, then we want to have a car, then we want to have an airplane, and I don’t know; it goes on like that. That means in general our wants are not satiable. Then we have very dormant state, we have a desire within us, which is a pure desire. This pure desire is to become one with the all pervading subtle power of love.
Now whatever I’m telling you, you have to accept it as a hypothesis. And as a scientist you must keep your minds open. And if it works then we have to believe as honest people. So this power within us lies in a triangular bone called as sacrum. Sacrum is a Greek word meaning sacred, and it means, it means Greek people knew that there is sacred power in it. So this power is placed in this triangular bone and is awakened as a germ or a primula in a seed, spontaneously. It pierces through six centers, ultimately through the fontanel bone area and you start feeling a cool breeze coming out of your head. If this center (Shri Mataji points to the central throat area also called Vishuddhi) is alright then you start feeling in your hands a kind of a beautiful soothing cool breeze all around us. This power in the sacrum bone is called as Kundalini in Sanskrit language. And many people in India thousands of years back have discovered about this Kundalini in our country. The word Kundalini comes from the coils, Kundalini is the coils because it is in three and half coil.
Now she is your mother. And she takes up all the troubles to give you your second birth. So you don’t get any troubles. In Sanskrit language we call a person who knows about this all pervading power of Brahma as, as dvijaha. Also a bird is called as dvidjaha. Dvi-jaha means born twice. Like a bird is first born at the egg and then it becomes like a bird. In the same way a humane being is born in a closed way of ego and superego on his brain, is the closed personality. But when Kundalini rises and he becomes the Spirit, he becomes as different personality. He becomes that free personality. No habits can overpower him. He does not overpower anyone. And nobody can overpower him. He becomes a very compassionate, confident personality. And he can feel the all pervading power on his fingertips.
Now this all pervading power organizes, thinks, above all it loves. So, when this connection is established, your physical problems, your emotional problems, your mental problems, and your spiritual problems all get solved. It is not an artificial thing, it’s reality. The problem with the religion was that the essence of every religion was to seek the eternal and to treat the transitory in its own limitations. But all the religions failed and they now are only mundane. Either they have become power orientated, money orientated, or emotional farces. So we have to seek this eternal power. And thus we become our Spirit. You can feel on your fingertips what’s wrong with your centers and what’s wrong with the centers of others. So a small little drop, which is limited, becomes one with the ocean and becomes the ocean. Then you become the instrument of that Power. That Power starts flowing through you. You become powerful. And you scientifically know what is this power of parasympathetic nervous system. You become a complete in control with yourself and in complete balance, very dynamic and compassionate at the same time. All the time this energy flows through you.
So this is the power, which has got integrated within you physical power, the mental power, the emotional power, and the spiritual power of love. This is how the emancipation of humane beings is going to take place. This is how the whole world is going to become one. Because your Spirit is the collective being. It’s not forced collectivity, it is innate. For example, I would say, if I have all the powers I’m the greatest capitalist, but I cannot live without sharing it with others, so I’m the greatest communist. That’s how all these theories become really actualized. The time has come today, this is the blossom time. So many flowers have to become the fruit. Thus we are all here to get to that state where you all become Spirits. Which is the knowledge, which is the beauty, which is the goal. May you all be blessed.